With 18 gainers and 16 losers, most sectoral indices rode on the back of gains by mid and large-cap stocks to close positive.
Nigerian Stocks continued its bullish run at the last trading session of the week. The Nigerian All-Share index rose by 0.24%. Consequently, the year-to-date return advanced to 29.94%.

The All Share Index (ASI), advanced from its opening index of 34,803.00 points to close at 34,885.51 points. The aggregate market value of all quoted equities also increased from its opening value of N18.184 trillion to close the week at N18.227 trillion.

A total volume of 190.2 billion units of shares, valued at N3.33billion exchanged hands in 3,976 deals. TRANSCORP was the most traded shares by volume with 37.4 million units, while MTNN topped by value at N1.79billion.

The NSE Consumer Goods and Oil & Gas indexes leaped by 0.14 and 0.06% respectively. On the contrary, the NSE Insurance and Banking Indexes depreciated by 1.93 and 0.23% respectively while the Industrial Goods Index closed flat.
With 18 gainers and 16 losers, most sectoral indices rode on the back of gains by mid and large-cap stocks to close positive.  NAHCO (+9.09%) was the top gainer today, while PORTPAINT (+9.09%) led the laggards today.

Top gainersNAHCO up 9.09% to close at N2.4FIDSON up 7.25% to close at N5.47UNILEVER up 5.77% to close at N13.75UBA up 1.82% to close at N8.4MTNN up 1.31% to close at N155

Top losersPORTPAINT down 8.42% to close at N2.61MANSARD down 6.40% to close at N2.34NEM down 3.14% to close at N2.47GUINNESS down 1.55% to close at N19GUARANTY down 1.13% to close at N35

Nigerian stocks recorded gains amid falling oil prices prevailing at the US trading session on Friday.
Major gains by large capitalized stocks that include MTN Nigeria, Unilever, UBA added N43 billion to the Nigerian Stock market capitalization.

Categories: Business Headlines

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